Living History Workshops​
"Thank you for a fantastic workshop! The children were engaged, focused and engrossed in all the learning and enriching activities that you arranged."
E Wright, Horizon Primary Academy, Kent
"Brilliant organisation!
Wonderful that children have some memorabillia to take home."
C Burridge, Great Doddington Primary School
"In over 10 years of teaching this was the best I've ever seen, especially for such a reasonable price. All staff and children had fun and learnt loads."
M Comell & T Daly, Northborough Junior School
"We all thought it was fantastic! Children were engaged the whole day. Children who wouldn't normally participate participated and enjoyed it thorougly!'
K Willett, St Andrew's
CE Primary School
Excellent activities - children all on task all day - a good all round experience.
Thank you so much!'
A Webzell, Horton Kirby PS

Your Stuff!
Check out some of these lovely letters from the Ancient Greeks of Peasmarsh Primary School:

Thank you to Sofia, Kyle & Henry from East Farleigh primary school who sent us brilliant recounts of their Viking workshop:

And also to Lance, George & Henry, also from East Farleigh primary school, who must have spent ages writing these fabulous Viking myths:

This poem is from Eowyn, Molly, Hamish, Lyra and Rowan of Jade Class, Loose Primary School, who took up the challenge to add a Stone Age and Iron Age verses to our Bronze Age rhyme:
The Stone Age, the Stone Age, we're digging in the ground,
We want to find some stone, come and see what we have found.
Flint for chipping and cave for hiding,
Get them in your garden and the Stone Age can begin.
The Iron Age, the Iron Age, we're digging in the ground,
We want to make some iron come and see what we have found.
Iron ore, coke and limestone too,
Melt them together and the Iron Age can begin!
Eowyn, Molly, Hamish, Lyra and Rowan
Jade Class, Loose Primary School

And how about these pictoral summaries of the Stone Age to Iron Age workshop by Ellesia and Jack.

Good effort, thanks guys!
We'll be posting some more of your work soon.