Living History Workshops​
"Thank you for a fantastic workshop! The children were engaged, focused and engrossed in all the learning and enriching activities that you arranged."
E Wright, Horizon Primary Academy, Kent
"Brilliant organisation!
Wonderful that children have some memorabillia to take home."
C Burridge, Great Doddington Primary School
"In over 10 years of teaching this was the best I've ever seen, especially for such a reasonable price. All staff and children had fun and learnt loads."
M Comell & T Daly, Northborough Junior School
"We all thought it was fantastic! Children were engaged the whole day. Children who wouldn't normally participate participated and enjoyed it thorougly!'
K Willett, St Andrew's
CE Primary School
Excellent activities - children all on task all day - a good all round experience.
Thank you so much!'
A Webzell, Horton Kirby PS
The Romans

It's the end of the Iron Age - how did life change for the Celts of Britain after the Claudian invasion of 43AD...?
Our workshops focus on the Roman Invasion of Britain, why they came here, what they did when they got here and what they left us with. We bring a whole host of activities and props to immerse your students in the Roman era.
We look at Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain in 55BC . Noisy, fun, involves everyone and comes complete with missiles!

Romanisation of the Celts
Walk like a Roman, talk like a Roman and look like a Roman in Britain. Visit a slave market where the wealthy citizens of the classroom will have money to buy a slave of their own.
Armoury, Artefacts & Archaeology
A hands-on carousel session with original artefacts, Roman games and authentic Roman activities.
Roman amulets
Every Roman child would have been given a protective amulet at birth.
Here the children make their own amulet to take home and keep.

*Two hour morning workshop
*Every child makes a souvenir to keep
*Follow-on activity suggestions with lesson plan
*Up to 60 children per workshop

Latin Lesson
Literacy the Roman way!
We bring wax tablets, a stern slave teacher and a rather horrible scourge...
The Roman Pantomime
The Romans are famous for replicating the sights, sounds and lifestyle of Rome in every country that they conquered. We 'build' an amphitheatre in your school, so that the children can take part in a hilarious version of one of Rome's great inventions.